Tuesday, March 29, 2005


I knew it!

One or two of my reductions are buggy. From my test it has to be my implementation of Tord's probably FH pruning and/or my statistical pruning. Both with good results in previous tests. Now they both got the results very low when on and very high when off:
If I sum all the results where St and To was on I get:

Compare with IID for instance that got 131

So I turned them off and started a "deeper" look.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Lübeck this time

Went to Lübeck. No Alaric here but the test will be running...


It happened again!

I corrected a bug and the program went worse...
What does that indicate? I suppose that there is another bug that interference with the other. So now I will start a big test. Described below.
The bug
In the Quiescense I should have something like this:
pmove=GenMoves(....) // will set pointer to first pmove
while (pmove->ok) {
....pmove=GenMoves(....) // will set next pmove pointer
the bug was that I had MakeMove(pmove++) meaning that every second capture was removed from Quiescense!
When I fixed this bug the program went worse. At least in my first tests.

The big test
I suspect that one of my extensions/prunings are the source for this. The tournament will consist of:
I will start with a gauntlet AlaricAll vs the rest with the Nunn positions.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Back to business...

After a few wonderful weeks in Brazil I'm back in Sweden and now when Terra 3.4 is finally released I can go back to Alaric development again!

BTW. Where do all the new very strong engines come from? A new engine today is much stronger than any new engine 3 years ago (Ruffian not counted...)


Starting up

I've changed my development log at the Alaric site to a blog.
This will make it easier for me to make fast updates of the log.
The Alaric updates, though, will be as hard as before I'm afraid...


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